Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Vitamin D gives you wings! Thats how it goes, right?

Hello all!
Well its late and you are all probably laying in bed cuddled up in your blankets and sound asleep as I write this. Its late and unfortunately my body hasn't realized its time to shut down and catch some sleep as I am feeling so restless and twitchy (Yes I am aware this isn't a word but I'm going to ignore that). I have been having a hard time getting to sleep the last few nights and haven't been able to figure out why. And all I can narrow it down to is how active I have been the last few days. I made the decision to buckle down and really get into the exercise mode and that officially started on Sunday. The weather was beautiful and I was done work early in the afternoon so I decided to take advantage of it and go for a power walk. I was taking in the sun and it felt amazing! I didn't want to waste any minute of it, so when I got backed to my house I wasn't ready to go inside yet. Behind the house, the yard slopes down so I ran up and down for a good workout. Let me tell you, since Sunday, I have not been able to stop moving. I don't know if its the amazing weather or if its the Vi-shakes, but I feel great and so full of energy!

You know that feeling, when you are on a roll, there is no stopping you? That is how I feel right now. Aside from feeling super sore because I have been giving er for the past 3 days, its not enough to slow me down. The motivation just keeps getting stronger and stronger as I start seeing results. I guess after being stuck inside for so much of the winter all this energy just comes popping out when summer hits. Gotta love Vitamin D! It gives you wings! Or so it feels anyways. But the feeling of having so much energy, man I missed it. I have gone through a rut of feeling exhausted and wiped and tired and I wasn't even doing anything to tire me out. It was frustrating. So now I don't want to lose this feeling. I'm going to keep going and going and going like the energizer bunny, and hope the battery doesn't run out. Lol. Ill just have another Vi-shake to fuel me back up. I think I'm picking up an addiction to those. They are just so yummy. I think this is the most healthiest I have ever been. Never have I continued to consume so much fruit. I pack those shakes up. Love it! But it also makes it so easy for me to eat well. I am still not craving bad crap. Ok, that's a lie. I had a craving for ice cream today but its natural to still have cravings. Its just much easier to control those cravings now. I settled for an apple and some peanut butter instead :)

In case any of you are wondering exactly how my results are since I started the Challenge. It has been 15 days since I started. I have lost 6 lbs as of Sat, that was the last time I weighed myself. But I have started working out as of Sunday so I am going to keep it up and then weight myself again on Fri. I don't like to weight myself everyday like some do. I have always gone by how I feel about myself then about the number. But because I am doing the 90 day Challenge, I would like an idea of how much I lose and how much more until my goal weight. But the most important thing to me is how great I am feeling. That means more then the number of lbs I lose.

Its feeling like my body is coming to terms with what time it is now, so its time to call it a night and catch some sleep. Then back at er again in the morning for a work out. Woo! Bring it! Have a good night!


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