Thursday, 17 May 2012

Do you have a Plan? Try this Plan!

Good evening everyone!

I am very excited to tell you all about my good friend, Jody Zarns, latest accomplishment. She has recently released her very own ebook called THE PLAN. And I want to tell you all how great it is. I just finished my copy last wk and it was amazing. Very personal, from the heart, and of course funny. You will always get a laugh from anything you read of hers. Amazing woman. The ebook is a weight loss strategy. It doesnt just tell you step by step what to do to lose the weight we all want to lose, but it goes farther indept and right down to the core of where everything happens. Why we gain weight in the first place. That is really what matters the most, right? I mean how can we expect to keep the weight off if we dont understand why we are putting it on in the first place. The Plan goes into detail the areas and different aspects in your life that you need to focus on to figure out where your weight gain comes from. Its amazing and makes so much sense. It even comes with a daily renewal journal and more to help you with your weight loss. There is a link under the picture of the book where you can purchase your own copy of the ebook for $21.95. Check it out!

So since I have started the Challenge and commited to eating healthier I have become obsessed with what I eat and looking at the nutritional value of everything when I go grocery shopping. I went yesterday and avoided all the middle isles because as we all know those are the worst. Once I learned that, I have tried my best to avoid all the middle isles of grocery stores. If I dont see bad food then I wont buy it, just like if you dont have bad foods in your house, you wont eat it. Very good to follow! I definitely suggest it if you want to start eating better.

All this motivation has led to me to clean eating. Which means not eating processed foods and foods full of chemicals and bad things that we cant even pronounce the names to, that do a lot of damage to our insides. But mainly just real foods, whole foods, its the best thing for you. Since I have been clean eating I have been feeling amazing. Not bloated and feling so full that I want to lay around. I actually broke yesterday and had a cheeseburger and french fries and started feeling so gross after. Which was the best way to motivate me more to continue eating clean. Never in a million years did I think I would be able to cut out junk food and greasy fried foods and all of the stuff I used to think was soo good. I just never thought about how bad it is for you. For those of you who want to learn more about eating clean then I suggest you also pick up a copy of The Eat-Clean Diet..Recharged. It is amazing and you learn so much about all the foods you should be eating and why.

I owe so much to ViSalus for my big lifestlye change. Bodybyvi has helped me to understand how badly i was eating before and what it was doing to my body and I am so excited to get to my goal weight and to feel as wonderful as I do long term. Starting the Challenge and combining that with my new ebook, The Plan, I am feeling very confident about myself and my goals. Its a wonderful feeling. So if you need some motivation then I suggest trying it out for yourself. Are you ready for the Challenge?

Time for me to get some things done around the house so I hope you all have a fantastic long weekend and have fun! Toodles!


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