Thursday, 21 June 2012

Beach Babes Inspiration

Yesterday was officially the first day of summer and boy did it feel like it here in Belleville, ON. It was the perfect way to start off what is going to be a wonderful summer. Who is excited?? I know I am! So many fun and exciting plans to look forward to!

To start off the summer, I made a trip to Cobourg yesterday and visited a friend. We ended up going to the beach to check it out and took a walk along the water. This is my first time going to the beach this year and wow did i feel uncomfortable. Its been a long time since I have been to a beach and was this ever a kick in the butt for me. I thought I was already pretty motivated in my weight loss, I most definitely am at a high motivation now! Everyone there looked so hot. And no I don't mean just from the sun. There was so many fit men and women that if I had been there to lounge on the beach I probably wouldn't have been confident enough to lay there in just my bathing suit. :s However, I am glad that I had gotten that feeling. Because now it is stuck in mind and I am full on geared to reaching my goal weight. I cant stop seeing how great everyone looked and have a strong WANT to look that great as well.

My update to how Ive been doing up until now has not been too bad. I can honestly say I am the healthiest now that I have been in a long time. I started this blog in May, just a couple weeks after I made the decision to start eating healthy and getting more active. Clean eating is seriously a great way to go! I barely eat anything that is processed and try to eat as much whole real food as I can. I cannot even remember the last time I felt sick to my stomach from something I ate. It was quite often I would get a stomach ache before when I was eating so much junk and badly processed foods.

Drinking tons of water is helping a ton as well. The trick to actually drinking a lot of water a day is to keep a water bottle with you at all times. While I was at Wal Mart one day I bought a water bottle that I could take everywhere with me. Since then, I made it a habit to keep it on me at all times. I swear I fill it up at least 5 times a day. Its a good habit that I am happy I started. Even though it is quite annoying how often I have to go to the washroom. Haha.

A lot of my credit goes to Visalus. I cannot tell people enough how much I love them. The energy and boost they give me is simply amazing. Even if I didn't have weight to lose I would still drink the shakes and I plan on keeping with them after I am at my goal weight. I recently just went two weeks without them because I had run out and needed to get some more and wow, it was a long two weeks. I could feel the difference in energy and I could NOT wait to get more. I just love them so much! I`ve lost 6 lbs in total so far and have 10 more lbs to go.

Having people you know tell you that you look like you have lost weight is the best feeling and the ultimate motivator. Once you hear that, you know that your hard work is paying off and you keep you butt moving. I have had several people compliment me in the last week and it felt awesome. If you feel you still need more to motivate you then I strongly urge you to go to the beach. That was more than enough motivation to get me going strong. :)

A healthy diet and exercise is very important for your body all the time, even more so when wanting to lose some weight. However sometimes that isn't enough for weight loss, for some people its harder to lose weight then others. If you would like some help, check out my website for Visalus or my Fan page on Facebook. There is some very helpful and interesting information, as well as lots of great healthy recipes you might enjoy! - "LIKE" this page to see updates and posts daily with great information and weight loss tips

Have a great weekend everyone and keep motivated!


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