Good morning everyone and happy Friday. Our favorite day of the week is here and now we get to enjoy a great weekend. I figured I would get in here and get the motivation all revved up so your all set and behave yourself. ;) I hope you are all doing well in getting ready for summer and achieving your health and weight loss goals. If not then I hope this post helps because its going to help with whatever you may be doing wrong.
First off, the first thing you need to know, which I know you already do but im going to tell you anyways because I think we all forget this somewhere along the line. You need to eat right and exercise! Its really that simple. All you need to do is watch what you eat and expend more energy then you consume. It looks as if a lot of people forget this these days and expect to lose weight without exercising and want to rely on a pill or live completely off on meal replacement shakes. Bad bad bad idea. Its doing more harm to your body and will screw up your metabolism and insides.
Next thing, stop calling it a diet. If you are changing the way you eat to be healthier and get in shape then consider it a lifestyle.You are changing your dietary habits and putting yourself on long term continued success and weight maintenence. Plus diets dont last, they are temporary and no one sticks to them and you just gain all the weight back. Make eating healthy a lifestyle, not a diet.
When commiting yourself to a weight loss goal, you are not going to want to go through it alone. And you shouldnt. Support is how we reach our goals and remember to stay committed so we achieve them. Its tough to do it alone, you need motivation and inspiration. So join a support group online, or read this blog, or tell all your close friends and family. Make sure to be serious with your friends and family and let them know how important this goal is to you and that you need their full support. Some will tell you that "you dont need to lose any weight" and that "you are great the way you are", ignore that. Some will just not want to see you succeed if they have failed. Fact of the matter is, if YOU don’t like the way that YOU are – then YOU are going to have to do something about it, no matter what anybody says. They still love you, though (in theory).
Always remind yourself about your goal and believe in it. You will succeed and reach it at the end. Hard work and determination get you far and YOU can do it. Its all about positivity and keeping yourself in a good state of mind. Stear clear of negativity, you dont want it and you dont need it.
Also if you need a weight loss plan to follow or need some guidance then I highly recommend checking out the ebook, The Plan, that is on the top right side of this blog. It was written by a good friend of mine, Jody Zarn, and its amazing. Very inspirational and it will help you with achieving your weight loss goals. She speaks from the heart and has gone through the same weight loss struggles we all have.
The Challenge by Body By Vi is another great tool for achieving your weight loss goal and boosting your nutrition. I am loving the Vi Life and doing great on my Challenge. Its going to feel so great once I reach my goal. Eating healthier and exercising daily has been making me feel the best I ever have. And I owe it all to the shakes, they give me so much energy and keep me full and from craving all the bad foods I did before. If you want to learn more about Visalus and The Challenge and what it can do for you then visit my website:
Or check out my FB page:
Thats all for today, I hope this gears up your motivation to get you through the weekend and help you to behave yourself. Of course you can still misbehave a little bit. What fun would the weekend be then. Just hold onto the wagon and dont fall off! :) Have a great weekend!